Domestic Violence: Make Home Security Part of Your Safety Plan

We like to keep our blogs as lighthearted as possible, but also as informative as possible. Sometimes, we have to get serious to share lifesaving information. This is one of those times. Home security is a serious topic. Some have never encountered a serious threat to safety and want to use home security to help keep it that way. Others have lived with the threat and for them, home security is a real and very active tool in maintaining safety. Those people are escaping domestic violence.

Domestic Violence in the United States

The tragedy of domestic violence in the United States is difficult to identify and quantify. Since 2000, more than 20,000 women have been murdered by domestic partners, while countless others continue to live with the abuse and fear for their lives.

Escaping Violence

For those in a domestic violence situation, escaping is the most dangerous time of the relationship. Statistics show that the risk of injury or death increases while in the process of leaving and the risk does not decrease after you leave. In fact, the risk after you leave may even be greater for some time as many abusers believe that if they can’t have you, nobody else can either. If you are escaping domestic violence, do so with great care and caution. Contact the National Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 to gain more information or visit the website. Always delete your phone or search history as you plan to reach safety. There are many domestic violence resources to help shelter you as well as help you develop a safety plan.

Securing Your New Home

After leaving an abuser and relocating, it is very important to maintain a high level of security, even if you believe the abuser does not know your new location. With the help of internet searches, finding someone is much faster and simpler than most people realize. Because of this, home security technologies become a valuable tool in your ongoing safety plan.
Here are some important things to consider as you implement home security technologies into your domestic violence safety plan.

  1. Make sure your security starts at the perimeter of your property. Install motion sensor lighting that covers the front, sides, and back of the property.
  2. Cover all doors and windows with alarms and sensors, either motion or glass break.
  3. Use a video doorbell system so you can see who is at the door without having to go near the door. Always maintain as much distance as possible until you confirm your safety. <?li>
  4. Eliminate dark spots or places to hide on your property.
  5. If you have a garage, always store your car in the garage.
  6. Make sure the garage is also covered by your home security system, and keep the door from the garage to your home locked at all times.
  7. Never leave the garage open.
  8. Use home security cameras to check in and look for signs of trouble before you go home.
  9. Use a monitored alarm service. If trouble arises, you may not be able to summon help yourself. In a domestic violence situation, seconds count and a monitored alarm ensures that help arrives as swiftly as possible.

While GuardMe Security is proud to serve over 80,000 clients, we are most proud to serve you as an individual. We honor that with the highest quality products and service available.

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