Do You Have a Family Fire Escape Plan?

In the event there is a fire in your home, it is important to have a plan in place. Every second counts and not having a fire escape plan for yourself and your loved ones could result in disaster. No one expects to have a fire in their home, but when one strikes, have peace of mind in knowing you and your family are prepared for the emergency.

Tips for Establishing Your Fire Escape Plan

Creating a plan will depend on how many people are in your home and the overall layout of your residence. Some tips to get you started on the planning process include:

  • Identify Two Ways to Escape Every Room in the House – Identify the two main ways to escape every single room in your house. This is in the event one is blocked or too dangerous to exit from. Make sure family members know of these routes.
  • Think About What You Need – Do you need glasses to see? A cane to walk? Things you would need to react fast in an emergency should always be nearby, which may mean placing them next to you at night while you sleep.
  • Map Your Home – Map out your home. Mark every door and window that can be used as an exit point. Draw out the map and have it somewhere everyone in the house can see.
  • Establish a Meeting Place – Designate a meeting place outside your home that is far enough away from danger, but easy for all family members to access. This spot should also be easy for emergency personnel to see you so that they know you are safe.
  • Write Down Numbers – All emergency telephone numbers should be written down near the household phone. This includes the local police, fire department and other emergency contacts.

Consider Adding a Residential Fire Alarm Too

The threat of fire always exists, even in the safest homes. To help protect you and your loved ones, consider adding a secondary layer of protection by installing fire alarms. A fire alarm can connect to your home’s smoke detectors and not only alert you in the event of a fire, but alert emergency personnel immediately. Heat detectors can also be placed in areas where smoke alarms may not be present, such as in your garage, attic or even the furnace room.


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