Forget What You Think You Know About Burglaries


You want to protect your family, home, and possessions but wonder how to do this most effectively. You have probably read articles about the best way to secure your home, or best places to hide your valuables and knowing these things provides some comfort and actionable objectives. The problem is, according to statistics and according to the thieves themselves, many of those things just don’t work. Here are some surprising facts about burglaries and what really works.

Do You Hide Your Valuables?

Keeping your valuables out of plain sight and not viewable from the open front door or window is a good idea, but actually hiding them may not add much, if any more security. Just from a cursory view and knowledge of the typical American lifestyle, a burglar already knows what valuables you are fairly likely to have. A burglar also already knows where to look (they read those articles, too) and what items will most likely be found there– such as looking in the freezer for small valuables not harmed by cold or moisture, like coins, gems, and jewelry. So, if you hide your valuables you might actually be providing the thief a map to where to find the goods! For seldom used valuables and heirlooms, your best bet is probably letting someone else guard the goods by getting a safety deposit box.

Pro tipSchedule services between 10 am and 3 pm when burglaries are likely to occur. Having pool cleaners, landscape designers, window cleaners or other home services around those hours keep the property occupied.

The Right Deterrence is Surest

A burglary happens every 14.6 seconds in the US, most often occur between 10 am and 3 pm, lasts an average 8 to 12 minutes and results in a nearly $2,000 average loss per incident. Burglars gain entry through the front door around 34% of the time, first-floor windows 23%, backdoor 22% and the garage 9%, among other ways of gaining entry. Once in, very little stops them from getting to your valuables, and this is why deterrence is so critical.

Deterrents That Actually Work

Burglars want to spend no more than 60 seconds gaining entry and do not, of course, want to be seen doing it. These techniques and measures address those two important points and are most effective in preventing burglary.

  • Get a home security system. Homes without monitored home security systems are three times more likely to be broken into those with security systems.
  • Use security cameras. Security cameras work against the burglar’s desire of not being caught or identified. Cover all your bases and use all of the smart home technologies available surrounding smart security cameras, such as video doorbells.
  • Use home automation to look home. Burglars search for homes that look unoccupied so using home automation to look and sound home is a huge deterrence.
  • Use motion sensored lighting. Smart lighting that can send alerts can help you determine if there is trouble while you are away, and quite possibly foil the plans of an experienced thief.
  • Schedule services between 10 am and 3 pm when burglaries are likely to occur. Having pool cleaners, landscape designers, window cleaners or other home services around those hours keep the property occupied.
  • Move your second car into the driveway when you are not home. Keep cars rotating and occupying the driveway so that there seems to be activity. If you do not have a second car, invite a neighbor to park in your drive.
  • Use scary dog signs. A sign that says “my dog can reach the fence in 3 seconds” or other scary facts is also a surprisingly effective deterrent. If you don’t actually have a scary dog– or dog at all– use the sign and put out signs of having a dog, like a dog bowl on the porch.

About GuardMe Security

Based in Old Bridge NJ, GuardMe Security provides user-friendly security systems specifically designed with high quality and ease of operation in mind.