What Are Glass Break Sensors? We’ll Explain.


Where would we be without windows? Windows give us light, a view of the outdoors, and make rooms feel spacious and airy. They also provide a point of serious vulnerability when we are thinking about our security.

In addition to the obvious fact that windows are made of glass which is breakable, windows are also often obscured by trees or bushes which provide ready cover for criminals wishing to enter your home. One of the most effective ways to protect this vulnerable area is to install glass break sensors.

What are Glass Break Sensors?

Glass break sensors are sensors specially tuned to be sensitive to the frequency of the sound of glass breaking. Shock sensors detect vibrations, while acoustic sensors detect sound. These sensors work in conjunction with other components of a home or commercial security alarm system.

How Do Glass Break Sensors Work?

When glass breaks, the sensor picks up the sound (or vibration) it is activated and an alarm is triggered.

Why Use Glass Break Sensors?

While most criminals prefer just walking through an unlocked door, gaining entrance through a window is still a very attractive option. Since breaking a glass window is quick and easy,  window latches and locks are not enough. Glass break sensors are an added layer of security.

Glass break sensors could be the difference between deterring a burglar or dealing with the aftermath of a burglary. If you would like to find out more about glass break sensors or other home security options, give GuardMe a call. Since 1997 we have had one goal– to provide our customers with custom integrated security systems that meet their needs.