Home Automation and the Benefits of Helping with Special Needs


When most people think of home automation, they think of the advantages such as convenience and saving time, energy, and money. While those are real advantages, for families with individuals with special needs or physical limitations, home automation can mean much more. In some cases, it can even be a game changing and lifesaving difference.

There are 57 million Americans with disabilities, according to the American Association of People with Disabilities and many more Americans with diminished abilities due to aging. Home automation has the ability let individuals live more independently, safely, and comfortably in ways easy to take for granted.

Home Automation is the Ultimate Assistive Technology

Everyday living can have many hurdles when you are living with any form of disability. The ability to reach or easily maneuver switches is something many of us take for granted. When those tasks become difficult or even impossible, home automation can serve as an incredible solution. Where barriers exist such as mobility issues, having centralized access to home controls from a mobile device can help prevent falls.

Forget Forgetting

As we age, our memory fails us sometimes. Unfortunately, forgetting some things, such as shutting off the oven, is not only dangerous but can lead to injury or death. With home automation, loved ones can receive alerts, and tap into the home automation system and turn off appliances remotely. Loved ones can also make sure the doors are locked at night or receive alerts if doors or windows are opened.

Sensitivity to Sensory Issues

Sensory processing disorders such as Autism cause individuals to experience things like noise and lighting differently, and too much of either can cause discomfort. By setting lights and controlling the use of noisy appliances or technologies you can make the home sensitive to those with sensory processing disorders.

Support for Developmental Disabilities

Supporting and managing independence of a loved one with limitations can be difficult. While it is important to support as much independence as possible, it is just as important to make sure that loved ones are safe and able to manage important tasks. Home automation can stand in the gap with temperature controls, automatic shut off, and the ability to check in to security camera feeds to make sure that all is okay without being invasive.

The goal for all of us is to function as fluidly as possible in life. Home automation technologies can be a powerful tool for success for any of us, no matter our ability or limitation. If you would like more information on how home automation can help, give GuardMe a call. We have been family owned and operated for 20 years and care about the community because it is our community, too.