Be the Scariest House on the Block for Burglars and Vandals this Halloween!

Halloween is supposed to be exciting and fun. Unfortunately, it is also prime time for burglars and vandals who are relying on the fact you will be out enjoying the festivities. As you leave your home to go trick-or-treating or for a Halloween party, leave with confidence knowing your home is protected by making your house the scariest house for burglars and vandals.

How to Protect Your Home During Halloween

It is hard to spot a burglar or vandal on Halloween. After all, everyone is dressed up. A burglar could be dressed up in a costume, pretending to trick-or-treat with the kids, while he’s really on the lookout for empty houses to rob. To protect yourself, use these tips:

  • Put Valuables Inside – Anything of value, including your car, should be parked in the garage or put inside the house. That means garden fixtures you do not want stolen or vandalized, kids toys, etc.
  • Shine the Lights – Use motion sensor lights to deter anyone from vandalizing or robbing your property.
  • Keep a Lookout – Kids are generally done with their trick-or-treating by 9:00pm at the latest. Therefore, if you see anyone out after those hours, be wary.
  • Lock Up – If you are leaving for the evening or even to trick-or-treat around the block, make sure all windows and doors are secure.
  • Teach Your Kids Proper Halloween Safety – Teach your children to not enter homes while they are out trick-or-treating, and make sure they do not announce to others where they live. Before they are allowed to eat any of their treats, thoroughly inspect them. Also, make sure your children know to not cut through alleys, yards or use other shortcuts while walking to and from the house.

About GuardMe Security

Lastly, engage your security system to protect your home. If you do not have a security system, fall is the perfect time to get one. GuardMe offers free consultations for local residents and can help you pick the right security system to protect your home and loved ones.

Contact us today at (800) 235-0644 or ask a question online and an expert will be in touch with you soon.