Tips for Burglar-Proofing Your Front Door


Is It Secure?

Your front door is there to greet guests and welcome newcomers to your home, but is it also welcoming intruders?

Because statistics show that burglars often enter a home through the front or back access doors, decreasing your doors’ vulnerability is important.

Tips for Burglar-Proofing Your Front Door

  • Opt for a solid core door. These are more difficult to break or kick in. You can tell if you have a solid core door just by knocking on it. If it sounds hollow or has an echo, you should replace it with one made from metal, solid wood or fiberglass.
  • Change the locks. If you are not the first owner of your home, replace the locks and make sure all access doors have a deadbolt lock in place. Opt for a stronger box strike model that has longer screws to improve your door’s stability and prevent someone from forcing it open.
  • Use wide-angle peepholes on your doors. Criminals may try to knock on the door then try to force their way in. With a wide-angle peephole, you can see who is on the porch and see if the person is alone, as well as see if they have any tools with them.
  • Keep hinges on the inside. If for some reason your door’s hinges are exposed on the outside, a burglar can just undo the hinge and gain access. Have your hinges changed to the inside to prevent that.
  • Use security sensors with your home’s alarm system. Make sure when installing a new home security system, that you have sensors on every single door and window a person can gain access through. These sensors will send a signal to the control panel when opened and alert your alarm monitoring company.

About GuardMe Security

GuardMe Security can customize your alarm system and install sensors on every access point of your home for maximum protection. While providing you with a free estimate, our technicians can make recommendations to further improve your home’s security, including your doors.

Talk to GuardMe Security experts today at (800) 235-0644. Ask us a question online and a representative will be in touch with you.