The Top 3 Items That A Burglar Wants From Your Home


Doesn’t he have enough stuff? Probably, but he wants things he can sell for cash – that is, unless you have cash. If so, he’ll take that too. There are plenty of official government statistics that show us exactly what burglars want, and common sense backs it up.

Here are the items that burglars want the most:


Electronics are number two on the list in the most commonly stolen items category (the first item being cash, of course). New items are prime loot, of course – but everything from a 4th generation iPod classic to an older Kindle will be picked up by burglars because there’s always a market for them online. They sell them on Craigslist and other portals quickly and profitably.


Do burglars still want jewelry? Of course. As long as there are pawn shops in business, burglars will want to steal your jewelry and sell it. Now, a word to the wise: If your jewelry is ever stolen, always file a police report because pawn shops send a copy of all their transactions to local police. That way, the items in your report may be matched up with items in the police’s pawn shop records – resulting in you being reunited with your belongings.


Now that society has almost as big a problem with prescription drugs as illegal ones, there is a huge black market for them. Thieves will break into your home without a second thought if they believe you may have prescription drugs inside. If anyone in your family takes prescription painkillers, behavioral medications, OxyContin or any other drugs that are popular with thieves, keep that information as private as possible.

About GuardMe Security

When it comes to the things a burglar wants to steal, there are no guarantees – but there certainly are predictions. If you have any of the things listed here in your home, always arm your system before leaving the home so your property can stay protected. GuardMe has been protecting homes throughout the country for over 20 years. Contact us today for a free consultation in your area.