DIY Home Security Should Not Be An Option

While there are some instances where DIY can pay off, home security is never one of them. In fact, installing or creating your own home security system could actually put you and your loved ones at greater risk.

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Personal Safety Tips While Living Alone

The one problem of living by yourself is safety, because as the saying goes, there’s safety in numbers. Living alone, however, can be very safe with a little planning and care.

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What Happens to My Home Security System During a Power Outage?

A power outage is a hassle for you and a golden opportunity for burglars. These outages give burglars a chance to take advantage of homes they would otherwise avoid when the power is on. Not all security systems are vulnerable to power outages and depending on the type you have, your home may remain secure regardless if the lights are out.

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7 Tips to Keep Your Move Safe

Moving is both exhilarating and exhausting and exciting and stressful at the same time. It can also be a prime opportunity for burglary. While moving, people are distracted and have let down their guard. They are more likely to leave doors open and property out in the open and unattended. They may have the security…

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Who Uses Video Doorbells, Anyway?

Video doorbells have not been around that long but already we can’t even remember what we did without them. Who would have thought such a small device could change the way we do things so much? What Makes Them So Different? Traditional doorbells are wired to a bell that sounds when pushed. Video doorbells are…

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6 Top Tips to Prevent Residential Burglary

Most people think about ways to prevent another burglary, after having been victimized. Since, according to FBI crime statistics a burglary happens every 18.2 seconds, there are a lot of people that fall into that category. While the burglar is busy counting up the profit from a job that took roughly 10 minutes, the victim…

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Do You Really Know What is Going On?

After a long and exhausting day, you finally drift off to sleep. All of the sudden you hear a distant thud. Or did you? You were just in the middle of a dream, so maybe it was just part of your dream. But you really should find out, even as tired as you are. Fortunately,…

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What to Do When There Has Been a Burglary in the Neighborhood

You wake up to find that your neighbor’s house has just been burglarized and now a million thoughts are running through your head. What if it had been your home? What if the kids were home? How did the burglars go unnoticed in such a small, tight community? What if they come back? Most importantly—what…

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